Average wage for a wagnerite is $1660 (top google result, don’t quote me). There’s something like 50,000 of them, so if NATO offered to pay each wagnerite $1,500/month to sit in a clean, secured, relatively comfortable prison camp for a year, that would cost $900 million, plus expenses. In contrast, by this time last year the US had committed to $100 billion for the war effort.
Meant to draw attention to the ridiculousness of it all. Adding- still, the maths work out, paying them to surrender would be cheaper and likely more effective than paying for materiel to kill them, tremendous human cost aside.
Average wage for a wagnerite is $1660 (top google result, don’t quote me). There’s something like 50,000 of them, so if NATO offered to pay each wagnerite $1,500/month to sit in a clean, secured, relatively comfortable prison camp for a year, that would cost $900 million, plus expenses. In contrast, by this time last year the US had committed to $100 billion for the war effort.