Depends on how far you want to take the definition of ‘functioning justice system’. Should it be punishable by law not to report to law enforcement founded suspicions of an ongoing murder spree, when doing so would’ve prevented further murders from taking place? Ask any of the parents and grandparents, I bet you can guess their likely answers, which I’d agree with because the CEO was out of order, out of their depth and out of their —- mind* thinking this was an issue for them to have any, and especially the final say on.
- colloquially, not actually lacking compus mentis.
Of course, nothing of consequence will happen here because, as the talking heads will be brought out to say, we can’t expect businesses to -insert literally anything-. It’s just a few scores of little people’s lives destroyed, nothing that would demand real punishment for the corporate enablers.
- colloquially, not actually lacking compus mentis.
If there was a functioning justice system the ceo would be facing charges. Their only role is to inform police of a potential crime, not to investigate and certainly not to exculpate someone for literal murder.