You're approach to replacing the element is likely correct - the ovens i design go together in a similar way.
If your continuity check isn't working on the outer two tails it probably means the outer ring of the element is dead - you can normally use the inner and outer rings of the element separately (grill vs eco grill or some variation of function).
For context, the issue is that the heating part of oven trips the fuse (fan control dial and light ≠ trip, turn temperature on = trip).
Also I tested the continuity of the other elements from the back and they were aok.
It's not whether or it's not heating as I can't get that far. Although it's an old oven now, I'm suprised the grill element heats when on fan. But then maybe it's combined or something with a low heat in the top for faster heating. The fan element is suprisingly small Vs the size of grill element.
It looks like you disconnect the rear connections, unscrew all the bits inside then pull.
But I'm reticent to just crack on with that approach without checking in first.