I’ve been doing way too much spannering recently, thoroughly fed up with it.
It's a shame when this stage comes around... I've been the same lately, just keen to get out and enjoy doing activities rather than spattering them but I'm going to just try and leave everything alone until winter and then make a return.
Incidentally... Am I right in thinking that the perceived wisdom on puncture prevention on motorbikes seems to be pro-tubes... seems at odds with the mountain bike types love of tubeless?
For dirt bikes seems the gold standard is mousses, then tubeless, then ultra heavy tubes.
I wouldn't put a tube in a tyre that didn't need one. If you're really worried, throw a few ounces of slime in there, it works on anything other than big slashes.
It's a shame when this stage comes around... I've been the same lately, just keen to get out and enjoy doing activities rather than spattering them but I'm going to just try and leave everything alone until winter and then make a return.
Incidentally... Am I right in thinking that the perceived wisdom on puncture prevention on motorbikes seems to be pro-tubes... seems at odds with the mountain bike types love of tubeless?