Well it’s taken me fucking ages to fashion a basic battery bracket, but I guess that’s testament to life with two kids and a job. Anyway, it’s done now. Next job, installing the motor. Check back in 3 months time.
Much better mounting the battery this way around, as key access isn’t impeded by the rear seat and bags, and I don’t need to be able to push the battery back towards the wheel to remove it, so I can put a sheet of something right up against it to protect it from mud spray.
Well it’s taken me fucking ages to fashion a basic battery bracket, but I guess that’s testament to life with two kids and a job. Anyway, it’s done now. Next job, installing the motor. Check back in 3 months time.
Much better mounting the battery this way around, as key access isn’t impeded by the rear seat and bags, and I don’t need to be able to push the battery back towards the wheel to remove it, so I can put a sheet of something right up against it to protect it from mud spray.
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