• #31002
but I am not as
desperatecool to stay clipped in as the guy I saw leaning down to grab his front wheel to hold his balance at some lights yesterday.Ftfy
• #31003
Yes I know it doesn't make sense now
• #31004
Lush ride in this morning. Bike felt like it was pedalling itself, so fast, so smooth
Which inevitably means bastard headwind on the way home
• #31005
Fairly pleasant ride in this morning, apart from a fellow cyclist with personal space awareness issues at red lights...
7/10-would ride again
• #31006
Roads fairly quiet this morning, used my gravel bike instead of the commuter single speed as the gravel bike was going in for a shop service at lunch. Highly enjoyed the commute on soft 38mm tyres. 10/10.
The plush is real, must get bigger road tyres for my commuter bike.
• #31007
Day of the flants 🥲
• #31008
At this time of year??
• #31009
if you want I got some commuting chunky tyres that work okay on my genesis...
• #31010
There were definitely a number of flying beasties and one ended up in my eye.
• #31011
I enjoy track standing on my road bike because I can, but I am not as desperate to stay clipped in as the guy I saw leaning down to grab his front wheel to hold his balance at some lights yesterday.
Yeah that was me. I was actually just plucking off those little bits of rubber that are on new tyres you know?
Can't unclip as such, the pedals are bolted to the soles of the shoes directly for better power transfer. I just keep riding until there's somewhere comfortable enough to take the shoes off. -
• #31012
Woah^ rpm on lufguss
• #31013
I tend to work til about 6.30pm in the winter. Get in late, leave late. Now that the evenings are nice, I do the opposite, but between 5 & 6pm the drivers are horrendous. It's only a 10 minute ride, but had 4 near misses today, and you could feel every driver on the road was just so self-centred.
• #31014
Very poor route planning on my first attempt at a new commute. Did about 11 miles of this on 35mm cx tyres, before reaching the canal path. That was an overly ambitious plan of 16mph. Thanks to the guy on the green kinesis who dragged me along for a few miles.
1 Attachment
• #31016
There has been some cutesy colourful picket fences put up on either end of the short shared use path on Bream's Buildings which makes the junction with Chancery Lane pretty horrible and squeezes all users into a small space either side of it now and makes cyclists need to weave around on the path in order to get to the drop kerb. Hopefully it's just temporary as I can see it making an already unpleasant slow turn off from Chancery Lane even worse.
• #31017
35mm cx tyres
Shoulda run 33mm
• #31018
Wear a helmet folks.
A bird landed a horrible, horrible shit square in the middle of my lid on the commute home last night.
I was moving at speed, who knows what the consequences might have been without the helmet preventing what I would imagine might have been irreparable damage to my hair.
• #31019
This was between Harlow and Waltham cross. Komoot did me dirty
• #31020
A chap who looked like Peter Stringfellow (lots of white hair under a helmet, skinny) didn't enjoy me drafting him in Ken Park Gardens last night.
I wasn't really drafting, we were just going at the same pace and there were too many pedestrians for me to overtake safely.
He was on Bad Boy 1 (with belt drive).
• #31022
Quite jarring at 7am haha
• #31023
There was a long silver haired chap on regents st yesterday morning cycling like a complete maggot. Up the left of a bus stopped at a bus stop effin away at peds and the driver, then left through a red onto Oxford st and scared the shit out of a lady crossing
He wasn’t wearing a helmet, probably not the same guy
• #31024
i feel like long silver haired chaps might start getting a bad rep.
we should probably use the term 'chap on a bicycle who also happened to have long silver hair' -
• #31025
Usual cycle down the hill, I turn my head as I do before moving and this guy on a road bike is passing me at maybe a foot.
Note that this isn't a cycle lane and he had more room.
Then said he was drafting me. Lol I'm on an old MTB on knobby tires he is on a proper road bike. Good I check before I move...or snotrocket 😈
He then goes through red at a ped crossing FFS.
I enjoy track standing on my road bike because I can, but I am not as desperate to stay clipped in as the guy I saw leaning down to grab his front wheel to hold his balance at some lights yesterday.