I found this really hard, which is why I asked @dbr to help after seeing some seats he made for a garden in Hackney. I love ours, the larch has been a bit of a pita with some kinda spores or summit which make it a bit speckled. But I just sand it and oil it and looks good.
That said the Palissade bench is dead good, we’ll likely get one this summer to go with table, stools and bench.
Was toying with the idea of getting a couple of these https://www.twentytwentyone.com/products/hay-gerrit-rietveld-crate-lounge-chair
Garden benches. Any recommendations? Happy with a trad wood type but such a variance in quality and price, don’t know where to start and I’m not going straight to Skagerak without asking around. Do I just go for that green Hay palissade?