Have you got an acoustic piano or would you consider something electric? A nice electric one would be no problem whatsoever as you can just turn it down but I suspect an acoustic piano would travel quite well through walls...
In other help requests I'm thinking very strongly about selling my PRS Custom 22 (the one I had refinished by Rich in Wales) to purchase a Lowden F-22 acoustic...
Am I mad?
acoustic piano, sentimental value and the difficulty of getting rid combine to the result of keeping it. I very rarely play it but this also means im not very good. Has ended up on the past few recordings with my band though
Have you got an acoustic piano or would you consider something electric? A nice electric one would be no problem whatsoever as you can just turn it down but I suspect an acoustic piano would travel quite well through walls...
In other help requests I'm thinking very strongly about selling my PRS Custom 22 (the one I had refinished by Rich in Wales) to purchase a Lowden F-22 acoustic...
Am I mad?