Yeah, I don’t think he’s hyping stuff to personally profit. He comes across as a guy that couldn’t sell a vintage pedal if he tried. He’s an obsessive.
Some of the other criticisms of him are maybe a bit more valid, eg profiting off other peoples designs/circuits - a Devi Ever fuzz being the most well-known one. He stopped making a klon clone supposedly out of respect for the original designer (maybe they started making one again?) but still makes the Cheez Ball (Big Cheez clone) even though the original Lovetone designer is super pissed off about it.
Hes deffo not gonna make any profit on selling his collection. I mean he will I guess if hes selling them for more than he paid but he has enough companies and assets he wouldn't notice it, is my point. No I don't think he's super rich but making 200 bucks isn't gonna be noticed...
The circuit thing, an exercise in ethics, possibly.
If JHS' copies weren't more successful than the original then I would imagine then Devi and Vlad(?) wouldn't have a care. Also, those pedals RRP is all the original manufacturer ever got, not the resale value.
They've been paid.
There was a call for cheaper alternatives than heritage 2nd hand units.
It was answered.
JHS' brand has made their circuits successful and I understand that being a hard pill to swallow, especially if he doesn't pay tribute (he does to an extent) how they expect/want.He hasn't done anything illegal, all circuits evolve from each other and "owe" each other, you copy and modify in your research.
He stopped making Klons because the KTR came out. I'm pretty sure Bill was aware of it all too.
Came across an Instagram post with everyone in the comments slating him because he did a video comparing a cheaper older overdrive pedal with more expensive stuff saying it’s really good or something. Prices have since rocketed on the pedal and people were banging on about how he hypes up pedals that he has a load of to bump up price and and profit. I’ve always just thought he was a big collector who liked showing all his stuff whilst also doing the opposite and show that some of the stuff out there is actually overhyped and overpriced and showing alternatives so seems a weird take.