• #27852
I merely planted a few seeds, Bjork and ABBA haven't yet fully taken hold though.
• #27853
Bjork and ABBA haven't yet fully taken hold though.
You really do prefer knock-off Scandis
• #27854
Something to look forward to next month
• #27855
I want the black one, but they're forever out of stock
• #27856
Why did no one tell me TLOU was coming to PC?
• #27857
Why did no one tell me TLOU was coming to PC?
Become excite
• #27858
Case I got was
Which had options for a dark glass side and a metal one when I bought.I've got one of these but the mini version in white:
https://www.scan.co.uk/products/fractal-design-meshify-2-mini-clear-tint-white-tempered-glass-1x-120-1x-140-fans-usb-32-matx-mitx-mdI quite like the 2001: A Space Oddessy/70s Sweden-esque vibes.
I would have preferred the dark glass side but it wasn't an option, so instead I embraced the clear side and built it up with black and white parts and a 30cm LED strip. But it's in the very inside corner, set to white and low so I reckon it's subtle enough to be tasteful.
The North wasn't out when I bought mine or I might have been tempted by it. I'm not convinced it's not a bit much though... Edit: Actually it's too big for me! MATX or bust.
• #27859
Do I upgrade from 5700xt to RX6800?
Thats pretty much only option due to OS and case.
Playing 1440 and 4k, with 144hz. -
• #27860
You still hacking? I've thought about upgrading but it's all a bit confusing and don't really need to.
• #27861
Yeah, opencore is a pain in the arse, took weeks to finally get it stable and I haven’t managed to build a booting upgrade USB.
• #27862
Oh I found it easy (well, relatively, Opencore is harder than Clover) tbh following the Dortania guide but my old computer got wet, so I bought parts with compatibility in mind with the insurance money. GPU is only part surviving.
• #27863
I think a small north will come at some point. Fractal have previously released and then downsized popular models.
I toyed with the ridge but got a steal on a DAN-A4 on eBay. -
• #27864
installed steam for the first time in ages and it seems like it's mostly a platform for hentai these days? What a mess. I tried the filter but some games keep showing up regardless and apparently blocking certain tags will also hide major games that happen to have sex and nudity
• #27865
Ok hot shot, come and try and do mine then!
• #27866
Lots of that stuff gets added there, but I never see it unless I'm looking at an unfiltered list of new releases.
Probably it just does a better job with recommendations after you've bought or wishlisted more. Certainly the search and filtering are pretty rubbish.
• #27867
What if Duke Nukem was set in the UK?
• #27868
Anyone got a steam deck? Quite tempted to pick up a 64GB one, seem decent value at the current price, but wondering if it's one of those things I use for a month and then ends up in a cupboard
• #27869
There's one in the classifieds, I seem to recall
• #27870
this is fantastic
• #27871
Cheers. That seems a bit pricey compared to what they're currently selling for. Someone selling it after a few months might be answering my question though.
• #27872
they've picked a bad time to sell it as Steam are doing their annual sale so it looks even more overpriced. Reviews tend to be pretty good. I'd be tempted by one if I actually thought I'd use it. But same reason I don't have a switch, and the xbox is gathering dust etc.
• #27873
Finally finished RE Village. What a great game. The perfect blend of horror for me, not too scary, but still tense.
Looking forward to the RE4 remake Friday, never played the original.
Also tempted to pick up the RE2 remake as never played RE2. Is it 'scarier' than Village?
• #27874
RE4 is one of my top 5 games of all time.
Not really played it since the PS2 era, so am firmly wearing rose tinted glasses.
Am keen to try the remake, but will be waiting for a sale I reckon (unless I finish my pile of shame in he next few days) -
• #27875
Nice. Think I might preorder it, first time I'll have done that in a long time!
my Corsair full tower case is the same, nearly as big as a desk by itself.