I'd been keeping my eye on an application on Mattison Rd, three streets away.
Lots of objections to the planned roof terrace (overlooking, noise etc.) so I was surprised to see it granted.
3.5 The roof terrace would be 2 metres deep and will be enclosed by 1.7m high frosted
glass on either side as per amended drawing no. D06 REV-3. The proposed roof
terrace would be been set in and pulled back so that it does not project beyond the
existing chimney. Access to the terrace would be via the bedroom over the
outrigger. The modest scale of the roof terrace and the fact that it is well pulled in
from rear building line and in from the side of the outrigger will mean that the
structure will not be highly visible and will not detract from the character and
appearance of the building or area. In making a decision on the application here the
Local Planning Authority need to be mindful of the benefit providing an element of
external amenity space for current and future occupiers of the flat, a position
supported by the London Plan standards for flatted development.
Nice. Council planning must be mellowing in their stance.