I’m going to put up shed against the side of this outdoor socket. It’s going to be too close to open the lid enough to get a plug in. I’d rather not move the box to the front of the building so…
Does anyone know of a particularly low-profile outdoor socket box?
If I did have to move it, what’s the best looking outdoor socket box that’d look good against the weathered wooden surface? Ideally black. Saw some Gira bits online but were Euro plugs and not IP66 rated.
I’m going to put up shed against the side of this outdoor socket. It’s going to be too close to open the lid enough to get a plug in. I’d rather not move the box to the front of the building so…
Does anyone know of a particularly low-profile outdoor socket box?
If I did have to move it, what’s the best looking outdoor socket box that’d look good against the weathered wooden surface? Ideally black. Saw some Gira bits online but were Euro plugs and not IP66 rated.