There's two ways of contributing to your pension - salary sacrifice and a normal relief at source contribution. The former is usually more generous and the one that would not necessarily show up on a P45. https://www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en/pensions-and-retirement/building-your-retirement-pot/salary-sacrifice-and-your-pension
You can still pay into a pension if you're on minimum wage, just not via salary sacrifice
I think we're on a tangent to a tangent here, but if this were true, you would be unable to pay a penny into a pension if you were paid minimum wage...
...but then I did try to contribute 100% briefly near end of tax year, my employer did cap it at somewhere around minimum wage, and I failed to get any useful explanation from payroll/benefits.
Would be interested if you could point me to any definitive info on this limit, as I can't find any.