Cheers chaps, on farther investigations it’s a 2013ish frame so is different from the current ones. The frames do indeed have different BB drops, by around 30mm! And the head tubes differ by roughly the same amount. I need to get the seller to get their tape measure out to see which it is. The ad says “26” or 700c” I thought they meant you could run either size, not they didn’t know which one ;D
@MisterMikkel @Belgian-Cat
Cheers chaps, on farther investigations it’s a 2013ish frame so is different from the current ones. The frames do indeed have different BB drops, by around 30mm! And the head tubes differ by roughly the same amount. I need to get the seller to get their tape measure out to see which it is. The ad says “26” or 700c” I thought they meant you could run either size, not they didn’t know which one ;D