• #5052
I wasn’t at that one, sadly. Hopefully I’ll be at their next one.
This week I’m at Kirkstall Abbeyball weekend though!! -
• #5053
Ace! Thanks mate!
• #5054
Your prints are stunning, my mum would love your work, I think I might have just found her christmas present.
• #5055
Thank you!! 👍👍👍
• #5056
two wonderful pieces of artwork arrived this morning - guillemot skull and the Lino falcon..such clarity, great detail i am absolutely chuffed. I need to choose frames going into my study / second bedroom with the rest of artwork I’ve collected over the years..
thank you @General_Lucifer more purchases next year.. let's get together next summer north yorkshire with bikes, bottled beers and pork pies
Big Al xx -
• #5057
@General_Lucifer Obviously I see you on that there Twatter but to see this thread updated with the full story is magical. You fucking smashed it mate, you're an artist!
The robot print in my loo makes me happy every time I use the bog.
• #5058
Just ordered the crab and the narcissus for my bog wall, obvs. Will be back for the Skull and Octopus in due course. Good on yer Mr Hooper!
• #5059
Thank you so much to everyone buying my art and helping me on my journey! It’s taken a lot of hard work and continues to be a challenge but it’s a challenge I love and I’m not working for despicable cunts alongside psychopaths and sinister misfits any more, and every day I’m not in the factory is a day to celebrate.
I’ve enjoyed dipping back into the forum - still as funny as ever and so nice to see so many mates still active!
May your bogs be ever adorned with my art and words!!! -
• #5060
The Sinister Misfits would be a great name for your band
• #5061
My Middleagedmanium Falcon has just arrived, it looks awesome, and is on it's way to be framed & hung in my office.
• #5062
Sad day today.
Bilbo’s wife came downstairs and realised he’d not gone to work, he was curled up on the sofa.
Poor fucker died in his sleep. 54 years old.
Although he could be so annoying he was genuinely a nice bloke.
Here’s the story he was in.
https://generallucifer.wordpress.com/2009/10/27/the-whistle/ -
• #5063
RIP Bilbo.
• #5064
But there are many Whistlers.
One dies, another steps up to the plate.RIP
• #5065
The prints are lovely. Just ordered an ammonite as a Christmas present to self. Congrats on breaking free!
• #5066
Thank you so much!! It will be in the post tomorrow!!
• #5067
I can’t tell you how much this little quote has affected me.
It has really hit me quite hard. His name was Richard and he was overweight, a heavy drinker, but had a dog called Bailey he adored. He sometimes fell asleep on the couch, drunk, cuddling his dog. He loved shit movies which we bonded over. My brother Benny worked with him and called him Richie Roundabout because ‘he was always in the fucking road’ - he just wanted to be liked so he’d follow you around, chatting, getting under your feet. I saw him last about 6 months ago, when I still delivered for Morrisons & Ocado. I pulled the van over while he was trudging home after a long shift. First thing he did was pull his shirt up, exposing his huge belly, and start rubbing it with his gob open and his tongue lolling out, staring into space. So fucking funny. I’ll miss the daft cunt so much. -
• #5068
RIP Bilbo / Richard
the world becomes just a little bit duller
without you.. -
• #5069
Hi Matt
Many thanks for the reply to my query from your website. I've replied but my AOL mail sometimes takes a while to actually get sent so left this message here.
Going to buy one, just the agony of choice :). Shaun.
• #5070
No pressure mate! Thanks for checking my stuff out!
• #5071
Can't make up my mind between the mackerel and the curlew. The mackerel is very "technical" and the curlew makes a statement, both very different......... So will have a stab at buying both from your website after tea.
• #5072
What are your current projects? Obviously the art, I'm assuming the blog is on hold, but are you still podding/doing gigs?
This thread has been really inspiring in terms of redefining your life. Thanks Luci!Edit to add.. and funny as fuck. I used to look forward to the new stories and have to suppress laughter at my desk in a very stuffy office.
• #5073
I can also confirm Lucifer is in good spirits- we made the trek up to Harrogate a couple of weeks ago to find him in his new habitat of charming the pants off the locals and selling his fine wares.
We bought some Xmas cards and a print for a mate. Was a joy to see the old bastard again!Also, everyone should be listening to kraken cove, cos it’s ace
• #5074
Ordered :)
• #5075
@edmundro is always a wonderful support for everything I’ve ever done, it’s help that is beyond words, in a way, because times can get very, very fucking dark and to know there’s someone cheering you on makes a massive difference. Thanks Ed!
The print selling business dries up almost totally after Xmas and I was a bit worried. I’m planning to do some Linocut workshops to get by, counting the coppers… then you fucking LEGENDS stepped up and bought my art. Thank you, all of you who have purchased. Between these very important online sales and some good Xmas markets I’ve now made enough to get through January without having to worry. Between you, you have supported a growing maker who is working damn hard to never enter the rat race again, and after 32 years in a dead end job, I know what I’m facing if I go back.
I don’t know all the people who bought but I am grateful, I feel supported and a LOT less stressed about the future!!
Brilliant stuff! Suspect I’ll be ordering a soot sprite print as well (edit - done).
You didn’t happen to be at the recent print fair at the North Brewing Springwell Works, did you? I don’t remember seeing your work, but I was being chaperoned by an impatient 9y.o. and didn’t get to look at everything I wanted to.