the Gant boots aren't triple welted... in fact they're not welted at all!
Grenson 'invented' the triple welt - so take a look at them, though you're probably going to be lucky to find them for £150 unless there's a sale on somewhere
Loake Chatsworth are a classic Chelsea boot shape for me - maybe not what you're looking for though - these Loake fit the bill? - https://www.jonesbootmaker.com/products/mccauley-leather-chelsea-boots-loa36500-322-815?gclid=Cj0KCQiA99ybBhD9ARIsALvZavWfsjYptw5W0wTqaw8UZApNL8h22GLnzH2eRclpt6Qa231AEjJBCx8aAi_GEALw_wcB&variant=39858930286655
Otherwise RM Williams off Vestiaire or ebay etc might be possible
I'm after some Black leather Chelsea boots under £150, triple welt.
I already have Gant Brookly Chelsea Boot Brown Suede which I love the profile of and may pip for the black pair. I like the toe box as it's not flat and narrow as with many Chelsea Boots.
Any alternative recommendations out there?