Headset installed. It’s act made up from 3 headsets, but I deliberately wanted the top and bottom cups to be different colours. I’m going to get rid of the FSA logo off the top though. That’s ugly.
I picked up some more parts out of storage and realised the wheel I wanted to use is a) fixed and b) has been spray painted black. I’m going to use the silver wheelset from my wife’s SS / FG frame. That’s got a freewheel on it.
I have all the parts now, except for the saddle, which I’ll pick up on Wednesday.
Headset installed. It’s act made up from 3 headsets, but I deliberately wanted the top and bottom cups to be different colours. I’m going to get rid of the FSA logo off the top though. That’s ugly.
I picked up some more parts out of storage and realised the wheel I wanted to use is a) fixed and b) has been spray painted black. I’m going to use the silver wheelset from my wife’s SS / FG frame. That’s got a freewheel on it.
I have all the parts now, except for the saddle, which I’ll pick up on Wednesday.
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