• #77377
Where would you set the threshold?
Well, above myself of course
• #77378
£2k mink coat owners and above.
• #77379
Dammit Jim, I’m a photographer not a politician.
Fuck knows. I’m just saying what I’d like to happen. Stop giving them tax brakes and public money for a start? Open up Buckingham Palace?
• #77380
Where would you set the threshold?
100% is a nice round number as an inheritance tax rate. We can run a referendum / (Dead) People's Vote™ if it needs legitimising.
• #77381
I'd love to know how that would pan out. Last year only about 4% of estates were eligible for IHT. A recent record due to the number of rich pensioners croaking from Covid.
On that basis, you would assume that most people would vote for a 100% inheritance tax because its them vs the elites. However, a lot of normal income people sure do have odd ideas about capitalism and protecting the right to be rich. I genuinely don't know which way it would go.
• #77382
It's not really the threshold or the rate that's the issue (although there may be an argument for a higher threshold given the way property prices are going), it's the vast number of ways you can avoid it.
• #77383
I was just thinking that. If there was a way for every estate to pay 20% without exception, that would be a lot better than the current situation.
Need to sell the home you inherited to pay the 20%? Tough fucking shit. Maybe exceptions for bereaved spouses.
• #77384
you would assume that most people would vote for a 100% inheritance tax because its them vs the elites
The public distate for IHT has always baffled me for exactly the reasons you outline. I think it's a combination of (i) people not understanding the thresholds (and how much the Tories have bumped them up over the last decade) and (ii) underestimating how much of your assets you will run down before death.
Then the Duke of Westminster can use trust structures to drive a coach and horses through the rules anyway!
• #77385
although there may be an argument for a higher threshold given the way property prices are going
LOL - I have more unearned wealth from the property market so I need a tax break
• #77386
And returning lands to the people.
• #77387
Death taxes!! WTF!
• #77388
I guess taxing dead people is bad but it sure beats taxing living people
• #77389
This is interesting...had no idea this was a thing:
When a member or former member of the armed forces dies as a result of injuries or disease sustained while on active service their whole estate is exempt. The Finance Act 2015 extended this to individuals who work in emergency situations. This would include care workers who die as a result of COVID-19 including people who lose their life at any point in the future if a clear link to the coronavirus can be proven.
• #77390
Death taxes!! WTF!
The theory is that if you dont tax people's estates, you create a situation were the gap between rich and poor grows too large over time. Cough.
• #77391
That's fantastic
• #77392
I guess taxing dead people is bad but it sure beats taxing living people
Now there's a slogan Labour should adopt
• #77393
Yeah but living people will end up in the poor house once the state owns the bank of their mum and dad
• #77394
Not sure if srs, but I think the opposite would be the case - massive deflation of the housing market so no need for BoMaD
• #77395
Angling for some minor royals to attend?
• #77396
£2k mink coat owners and above.
Two grand would barely buy you a real mink fur hat now days I think.
• #77397
It's a fair point. Family homes being hit by IHT seems harsh but obviously there needs to be a point where you recognise that family home is also loads of money, I guess it's just where you put it.
• #77398
Are they really family homes if they're still in the names of the parents? If the home is passed down to the kids >7 years before the final parent carks it, there's no tax to pay on it.
• #77399
^ this.
I assume this means there will be no tax to pay on the Duchy of Lancaster and Cornwall if Charles lives 7 years.
• #77400
Although hang in a minute, he was king when he handed it over so fuck that shit.
Go anyway. Have a parent supervised kick about. Trespass if necessary.