Oh 900's and 99's, our family had loads of these over the years, no carrllssossons, but plenty of T16, T8, an anniversary in dark metallic red (5 door though think?) that got t boned at speed, all walked away, replaced with the last one I think a 1994 plated (?) 2.0 na XT? Which always remember being just not as good as the other ones!
And before that some 95's a green and a blue one that were composted at the end of the garden when they both got hit by a local tractor (pretty much monster trucked them), farmer paid out and we broke the cars for spares before leaving the shells out.
Remember the 99 and 900's all had the same interior smell? Kinda like upholstery glue and hot plastic, might have been the kind of velour or leather they used, but still when I see 900's and stick head inside they smell like my childhood. THe GM 900 onwards smelt just like a normal car though. Had a few of those 9-3 and 9-5 faster models and always were pretty good, quick enough and good on fuel for what they ere (9-3 hot aero with BSR mods got 40 mpg real on a loop of Scotland 3 up + dog) and easy to mod a little.
Not my interior sadly although mine isn't far off on a good day. The horrible tax disc holder has gone and there's a relatively low key head unit in there now that i can match the display colour to the dash lights.
Yeah my favourite, although i'm pretty happy with my Ruby special edition interior as it has Zegna wool inserts.
This is our only car and on occasion does some 3 hour + trips with my partner and i and a big dog. I figured a cup holder or two might make things a little easier over those longer journeys. Don't get me started on my girlfriend smashing through large bags of kettle chips and humous whilst my dog dribbles on the back seat.