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  • @Vince did you order this from France? Ideally we'd upgrade our 600mm front end with a 800mm, but Douze couldn't tell me how much or when they'd be looking to produce them.

    Our boy is 8 and he still goes in it (minus cover) along with another 8 year old when we cycle 4.5miles to ParkRun on a Saturday morning.

    Canopy is expensive, but try and make something like that yourself. They're useful not just for keeping kids dry (when does it ever rain in London these days I hear you cry!) but also for cramming in more stuff as it keeps everything "contained", but that €399 is punchy indeed!

    Good luck with your new kit. Does this mean the alu box is getting retired?

  • Yes, ordered from France direct & delivered to France as well (I am going over next Tuesday for 2 weeks for the grape harvest).

    Try to email for a price request.

    I will have space in the van to bring it back over to London on Friday 9th September, if that saves you any money.

    And yes, the Alulock case & fitting kit will be retired!

  • Thanks for the contact. I did message Douze several times. No idea who responded as it was just from info@douze-cycles and signed off Your Douze-Cycles Team

    Thanks so much for the kind offer to bring back any items for us. Don't think financially we're ready to spend a BIG chunk of cash for a new front end at the moment. Our boy still squishes in, it is just that come the winter time and (if!) it does rain then the canopy does cramp him up a bit as his head is touching the roof. The new one is a completely different design so has lots more headroom (overshoots the handlebars) but don't want to spend €399 on a canopy on a 600mm front-end when really we need to go to 800mm.

    Dare I ask how the grapes have done this year? Heard lots of horror stories over lots of poor grape harvests amongst wine growers. Fingers crossed all goes well.

    Guess you'll be putting the champagne in the Ecobox and not leaving the bike unattended for long! :O


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