• #113877
What I think it would reduce is the prevalence of stress and anxiety (contributants to premature deaths, heart attacks, etc etc) in the urban population constantly, unexpectedly, exposed to emergency sirens.
Should that be the case wouldn't you expect to see lower life expectancies in London, whereas actually
The rate of growth in life expectancy in London continues to surpass that occurring in other regions and the constituent countries of the UK. This has resulted in London now having the highest life expectancy for both males and females among regions in England.
https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/healthandlifeexpectancies/bulletins/lifeexpectancyforlocalareasoftheuk/between2001to2003and2017to2019#life-expectancy-for-local-areas-of-the-uk-data -
• #113878
Has anyone made "kitty litter panniers" like the below?
If yes and UK based, could you share where you sourced the buckets?
• #113879
Should that be the case wouldn't you expect to see lower life expectancies in London
Prob other things extending the life expectancy of Londoners, more so than the lowering of it from noise stress
• #113880
Wealth is the dominant effect, how does London do after controlling for that?
• #113881
Let's hope so, I wouldn't want to inflict that on everybody
• #113882
I've just spent a few hours working on some exam results analysis in Excel that's saved in OneDrive, and then accidentally deleted it while trying to tidy up the other documents that I had incorporated into it.
It's not in the OneDrive Recycle Bin or the second stage Recycle Bin - it seems things get instantly deleted from there.
Is it completely gone, or will the IT guys have some sort of permission to access deleted folders that I don't?
Also why the fuck would you set it up to instantly delete things permanently in a application which is supposed to help backing things up and stop things from being permanently lost?
• #113883
I would suspect that disco would dance to tester
• #113884
You can't restore deleted files after they’ve been removed from the site collection recycle bin—either by manual delete or by emptying the recycle bin. A SharePoint site collection administrator may be able to view and restore those deleted items.
• #113885
Whoa. I just assumed OneDrive folders had versioning!
• #113886
What's the go to compressionless brake housing for cable discs these days?
• #113887
Jagwire LEX is decent.
• #113888
I can only seem to find LEX brake cables online! Unless I want gold (which I don't).
• #113889
Sorry, KEB, LEX is the shift stuff.
• #113890
Ah got you! Thanks. I wasn't sure if there was a brake version that was just out of stock everywhere.
• #113891
I’m having an issue with ghost shifting with indexed downtube levers. It tends to shift up into a higher gear, by itself, only when out of the saddle or setting off from lights.
There are a few comments online that blame the shifter not being tight enough (it is), friction in the shifter cable (newly-installed, oiled), or a broken frame (steel frame, no cracks or anything).
If anything, the cable seems really smooth, and the frame’s not particularly flexy as far as I can tell.
Is there anything I can do other than tighten up the shifter? If I tighten it up enough to stop it happening, it feels way too tight to actually shift.
Could a too long chain do this?
• #113892
Checked for play in the rear wheel/freehub?
• #113893
Yeah, seems very normal with no play at all — bearings are in good condition, freewheel very tight. I'm stumped!
• #113894
I haven’t paid some fedex customs charges as it’s an error on the part of the retailer and they’ve assured me they’ve been doing everything to resolve and went as far as to tell me to ignore any further fedex demands.
Have come back off hols to a letter (from fedex) saying they’ve referred my details to a debt collection agency. Will this fuck my credit rating?
• #113895
Probably not, unless they take you to court, win and then you don’t pay and end up with a CCJ against you.
• #113896
The blade on my lawnmower is really soft. Would it be possible to heat treat it to harden it? Or is it made of cheese for a reason other than cost.
• #113897
Thank you but the restoring instructions in your link seems to only apply to the 'My Files' part whereas the document I created/deleted was in a shared library.
I had already emailed our IT support (before posting here - I was impatiently waiting for a reply) but he didn't know - though he's pretty good and will probably look into it. Though I think I'm going to just start again.
• #113898
is it made of cheese for a reason other than cost.
I suspect safety. It doesn't need to be hard to cut grass, if it was hard it might chip when encountering debris such as stones, which would lead to shards of steel flying off at high velocity.
• #113899
Make sure your rear derailleur stops are set correctly, may need to adjust the high/low stop point, also check there's enough tension on the cable.
If all that fails, go friction rather than indexed, very pleasing once you're familiar with it.
Good luck, report back on your success (or lack of). -
• #113900
Easier to sharpen then too.
Is this a push/reel mower or powered?
Am I the only one now picturing tester disco dancing?