Hello, can anyone please give me a definite answer on the ERD of the new Mavic CXP pro? As usual I've looked online and found three separate answers.. thank you
It's not really new. It's the 'new' name for the old CXP33, after Mavic changed the name in 2016. And the CXP33 was introduced at roughly the same time that the dinosaurs collectively lost the will to live.
Thanks, yeah I did measure it myself in the end. I think if I remember right it was 596mm but anyway it all worked out fine. I thought cxp pros were 23mm wide and effectively mavics answer to the archetype, but no... They are in fact still cxp33's.
Hello, can anyone please give me a definite answer on the ERD of the new Mavic CXP pro? As usual I've looked online and found three separate answers.. thank you