It was a half-arsed attempt at creating something like U.S. sherrifs - politicians inserted into the police with the hope of it being a populist vote winner. Hasn't worked in any way.
As I recall, it was actually a combination of Conservative and Lib Dem ideas. I bet the Lib Dems are standing quietly in the corner, whistling and hoping nobody remembers that.
Tory Central Office thought that Law&Order/ Police/Crime was a sufficient wedge issue that they might finally get some local officials in Labour heartlands with Police & Crime Commissioners.
The fud effect is in full view in the name.
Most victims (of crime) want sufficient redress, but 'Police & Justice Commissioner' doesn't have the dog whistle of crime.
These police and crime commissioner jobs are a bit of a joke, aren't they? I seem to remember it was a Cameron-era "big society" thing that somehow hung around.