csb warning: i was dooks "on here" from back in the fixiewars of '07, but I couldn't be arsed to transfer the account when Lord Velocio migrated the forum. I've had loads of stupid names over the years and decided to append my OG forum name to my current fat-shame based moniker on a whim the other day. It's a bit clunky tho so yeah, might be time for a username mergatron...especially as i've lost a bit of heft lately!
^new name accepted
csb warning: i was dooks "on here" from back in the fixiewars of '07, but I couldn't be arsed to transfer the account when Lord Velocio migrated the forum. I've had loads of stupid names over the years and decided to append my OG forum name to my current fat-shame based moniker on a whim the other day. It's a bit clunky tho so yeah, might be time for a username mergatron...especially as i've lost a bit of heft lately!