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Got most of that in the garden depending on season. Good thing that the enormous ginger Tom that lives upstairs is a house cat. Then again, I hate the bastard…….
(Joking, not about hating the cat, but the implication I might encourage the spiteful, unfriendly, arm ripping sod to go outside and be poisoned. My daughter likes him.)
Cats protection league provides this list of "red" plants for toxicity
Crocus autumn*
(colchicum autumnale, crocus sativus, liliaceae)
Day lily (hemerocallis)
Foxglove** (digitalis)
Fritillary (snakeshead)
Gloriosa superba (glory lily, flame lily, climbing lily)
Juniper* (savin, sabina) berries
Lily** (lilium, hemerocallis) – all lilies
Lily of the valley** (convallaria majalis)
Nerium oleander** (dogbane family)
Ornithogalum umbellatum (star of Bethlehem)
Vinca minor (periwinkle)
Water hemlock
Yew (taxus)