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  • Cats protection league provides this list of "red" plants for toxicity

    Crocus autumn*
    (colchicum autumnale, crocus sativus, liliaceae)
    Day lily (hemerocallis)
    Foxglove** (digitalis)
    Fritillary (snakeshead)
    Gloriosa superba (glory lily, flame lily, climbing lily)
    Juniper* (savin, sabina) berries
    Lily** (lilium, hemerocallis) – all lilies
    Lily of the valley** (convallaria majalis)
    Nerium oleander** (dogbane family)
    Ornithogalum umbellatum (star of Bethlehem)
    Vinca minor (periwinkle)
    Water hemlock
    Yew (taxus)

  • Got most of that in the garden depending on season. Good thing that the enormous ginger Tom that lives upstairs is a house cat. Then again, I hate the bastard…….

    (Joking, not about hating the cat, but the implication I might encourage the spiteful, unfriendly, arm ripping sod to go outside and be poisoned. My daughter likes him.)

  • Also certain olive plants too.

    Cat will be very ill if it eats the leaves.
