"women" meaning people who have a mental feeling of femaleness
A trans woman is not a person with a 'mental feeling of femaleness', it's a woman who was assigned a male gender identity at birth.
You're complaining about women's objections being dismissed as motivated by hate rather than lived experience - do you have any lived experience of being trans? Because it's pretty ironic that you're coming out with this shitty definition of being trans while complaining that women's objections are being dismissed as hate rather than being based on lived experience...
Perhaps the best people to ask about what it's like to be trans are - shocker - trans people!
silencing the voices of those in the first group
Ah, that classic TERF trope!
TERFs are all over the media, daytime TV, culture... they are the establishment! Where are all these powerful trans people silencing their voices exactly?
Trans rights are human rights. Simple.
dismissing their objections as motivated by hate rather than lived experience is not a good look
Assuming I'm included in this. I don't think saying websites like reduxx are full of hate is in any way the same as dismissing women's voices. It's clickbait trash designed to intentionally pull people in and rile them up.
While Thundercrit are of course welcome to do as they wish and everyone was presumably happy to race under those terms (although it's a pity the two groups they chose advantaged the same body type), in the wider social context this is a friendly reminder that not everyone agrees replacing the concept of "women" meaning people with a specific body type with "women" meaning people who have a mental feeling of femaleness without in parallel considering what this means for the first group and their existing support structures is progressive, and that silencing the voices of those in the first group, a group historically denied agency and voice in our country, and still denied both in many places today, by dismissing their objections as motivated by hate rather than lived experience is not a good look.