I've just moved from a flat to house with a garden and my cats are no longer indoor only cats so I'm selling my automatic/self cleaning litter box since it's not serving much of a purpose anymore.
Its one of these Pet Safe Scoop free ones and comes with the additional re-usable tray so you can use your own litter instead of the expensive disposable box thingies. £80 for forumengers before I chuck it on ebay or gumtree
I've just moved from a flat to house with a garden and my cats are no longer indoor only cats so I'm selling my automatic/self cleaning litter box since it's not serving much of a purpose anymore.
Its one of these Pet Safe Scoop free ones and comes with the additional re-usable tray so you can use your own litter instead of the expensive disposable box thingies. £80 for forumengers before I chuck it on ebay or gumtree