The Steve Hogg posts are excellent, I've used them a bit but good to re-read. In his language what I'm getting at is that my (and everyone else's) balance point changes. While I'm putting out enough power to hold my torso up on day one, by day 3 or 4, I'm not, and so more weight goes onto my arms by default. So - from a functional, rather than anatomical, point of view I think my fit should change. Shame Steve is not able to answer questions any more!
In TCR 2019 I found that made riding on the hoods painful. I tried to adjust by putting the seat back but that made the reach too long. I was on the aerobars virtually all the time - even on the first bit of the off-road climb up to the radio station - as it was the only comfortable position, but hadn't done any core strength work (I have now), and got Shermer's.
I hope that the core stuff has put me in a better place for long days in the aerobars, but I'll want to use the hoods a bit, so trying to anticipate the issues that might arise.
Anyway, the answer to my question is pretty clear - no-one else is feeling the need to adjust mid-race so thanks guys.
I have put my saddle lower and cleats further back to alleviate achilles pain but then they've stayed pretty much like for several years.
On road ultras I've felt like I settle into a lower position than normal, but that hasn't needed any adjustments, I just don't really use the hoods much.
I think the shorter reach works together with more saddle setback, as Heine probably says too. Then again some seem to put the saddle more forward for ultras because of aerobars but that doesn't really work for me.
These are not written with this perspective but might be interesting if you haven't read them yet.