No, it has a normal old school finned reg/rec.
I want to replace it at some point with a MOSFET one, as the Internet says it helps with battery management.
The link was just an eg of the mod. I'd probably put mine next to the air intake so it's accessible and has more air flow just in case. Although mounting it under the tank is common as lots of people remove the AI and that leaves a space with the correct mounting holes.
The main reason for bringing this up was the link you posted, which if it meant there were say 5 common jap bikes with a compatible reg/rec then it would be quite an easy and economical ebay purchase vs this one: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hot-Shot-Series-Voltage-Regulator-Rectifier-Triumph-Thruxton-2004-2008-05-06-07-/165180287713?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m2548.l6249&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
Ah so your bonnie has an unfinned reg/rec? Looking at the kit linked it is not a straight swap so would it just be a matter of finding the right reg/rec and then your own wiring.
I wouldn't be happy with the reg/rec next to the battery.