A tank literally turned and intentionally trampled over a car with a Ukrainian in yesterday.
There seems to be a of a lot of stretching for optimistic narratives going on. Which is understandable given the bleak reality. But I find it hard to fathom how people can latch onto this idea that Russia have miscalculated because they haven’t finished their objective in 2 days. Or that they forgot to bring enough fuel?!
I can’t disagree about the bleakness of it all. And it’s pretty pointless making conclusions based on videos we’ve seen on social media. However, it’s clear that invading Ukraine does not have support from many Russians and it’s not like there aren’t plenty of examples of a better funded and better equipped invading armies completely underestimating the resolve of the native military.
This was thing that struck me about the video of the Ukrainian woman challenging the armed soldier and telling him to put sunflower seeds in his pockets so something Ukrainian would grow when he fell. His responses were that of person very much doing their job, not of person who had real conviction or belief in it.