• #19227
Vtec was fun!
• #19228
Trackers are easily defeated.
• #19229
Not the Bike Trac one.
• #19230
Great sounding bike. I found the riding position a bit peculiar but that’s compared to a GSXR - which my Honda mates thought had a peculiar riding position. My ape like arms may be the issue/ help😁
• #19231
So the Urban gs arrived , first geared bike for 20 years … I’m going very steady
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• #19232
Wow cool!
• #19233
• #19234
Touratech (?) head guards are good investment IMO as you can drag the heads when cornering.
It is a tele lever front isn't it.
• #19235
I’m trying to source some
Machineart don’t make the covers but I think wunderlich make some engine bars .
I don’t think the R9T are telelever
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• #19236
Tracker defeats physics?
• #19237
Pier City* have the Wunderlich stuff amongst other boxer engine shiny stuff
*they are good mates of mine but I’d recommend either way, good people and always up for chatting bike stuff
• #19238
No, the BikeTrac defeats thieves. It's been a game changer. Maybe you could look into it before you dismiss it.
• #19239
I thought the all the boxer GS models were. Shows how much I pay/paid attention to BMW bikes.
• #19240
So you are telling me that this tracker isn't affected by a faraday cage?
• #19241
Stop trolling please.
• #19242
Congrats, looks mint.
• #19243
I’ve emailed these guys today .
Plus they seem a nice ride away
Thanks for the recommendation -
• #19244
It is not trolling, http://www.theridersdigest.co.uk/fear-loathing-la-la-land/
The same has been repeated a couple of times since with different variables, but the same outcome. Selling false hope?
• #19245
The workshop is very worth the visit if you get the opportunity. It really feels like this could be the year they go big, BMW UK is putting quite a few builds through them and they had a great show at the festival of speed last year
• #19246
8 year old article, with no mention of a Faraday cage. So your Faraday cage bullshit was a troll.
As for shipping containers, which I mentioned upthread, technology has advanced in the last 8 years. Biketrac trackers are not defeated by shipping containers. But you don't bother to look for up to date info, because you'd rather troll. And you don't bother to differentiate between cheap trackers and Biketrac, because you'd rather troll.
If you gave the subject some serious thought, instead of spreading disinformation for your own amusement, you'd realise that bike thieves need to move the bike to their van, which is a tracking opportunity, then they have to drive the van away, which is also a tracking opportunity. So even if they have access to a nuclear bunker they'll still be tracked.
If you give a damn about the subject you could even look into the recovery process and the arrest rate. If you follow @stolen_london on Twitter or talk to the police or people in the trade you'll discover that the police have such confidence in Biketrac that they actually respond when they get the call from Biketrac, because they know there's a good chance of making an arrest. The end result is a real game changer - people in high risk areas without a garage can actually ride the bike they want, instead of compromising with something piss poor in the hope that thieves will overlook it. I reckon that's a pretty earth shattering development. Biketrac have been ahead of the thieves for several years now. How about we celebrate that and make the most of it while it lasts, instead of spreading ignorance?
• #19247
Do you know what a faraday cage is and what it does? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faraday_cage. So unless the physics of how faraday cage works has changed recently, how can the claims be met?
No I'm not being a troll, I was naive to be believe sold secure motorcycle chains claims and learnt to my cost.
But remember this stolen Lambo https://metro.co.uk/2017/07/21/lamborghini-mysteriously-vanishes-in-ikea-car-park-after-trip-from-zurich-6795510/ note no mention of the brand of tracker but on a car of that value you would expect the best for insurance cover. Remember how the Lambo was found? https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/stolen-lamborghini-worth-ps250-000-miraculously-found-after-it-disappeared-following-epic-600mile-journey-from-london-to-switzerland-a3605681.html with several other exotic cars by an investigator.
The idea is to keep people fully informed, especially as business will alter the truth to sell their product.
• #19248
Far, far too much stupidity here to be worth answering. Cheerio.
• #19249
Woah. Thread got popcorn tonight.
• #19250
Is it popcorn, even when science is claimed to be wrong?
Any way back to motorbike talk.
Wasn't the Yamaha 250 TDR the first factory supermoto, even tho it was a two stroke I thought the good bit was the bike was light, skinny (as in very thin to squeeze through small gaps) with skinny tyres, compared to modern stuff.
I disagree with @jung tho, I think the yam 250 4stroke and suzuki 350/400 is best as an supermoto engine size. Had a funduro for a bit and I never liked it as much as the dr350 with some other suzuki model road wheels..
EDIT a funduro is the mid 90's BMW f650. Rotax engine and built by aprilia who's version was the pegaso.
I had enough fun with a serrow and that was 225.