My Google Pixel 4a has stopped working after a fairly innocuous (and alarmingly routine) drop. About waist high, flat on to the floor. It's in a case so there's no visible damage but an icon of a question mark in a battery is the only thing it'll display. A quick google tells me this means there's probably an issue with the connection to the battery.
Has anyone got any tips on how to fix this or failing that, suggestions of a decent repair place somewhere in south east London? I'm near Crystal Palace.
My Google Pixel 4a has stopped working after a fairly innocuous (and alarmingly routine) drop. About waist high, flat on to the floor. It's in a case so there's no visible damage but an icon of a question mark in a battery is the only thing it'll display. A quick google tells me this means there's probably an issue with the connection to the battery.
Has anyone got any tips on how to fix this or failing that, suggestions of a decent repair place somewhere in south east London? I'm near Crystal Palace.