A bit of mental simulation helps tire them out. Omar won't walk in heavy rain so on those days we do some treat hide and seek, hide and seek recall with a reward and he loves chasing a flirt pole. Nothing like emptying the tank running around in a large open space it seems to take the edge off and you can combine the games with training. Out on the walks stopping and letting her sniff anything she's interested in on your way round can help when mileage isn't an option.
Struggling with daisy at the moment, with exercising her enough. Her recall is terrible, nonexistent with the slightest distraction so anything off the lead isn't an option. Tried fetch on the long recall training lead against my best instincts but not keen to keep that up, feels like she'll tangle and break all her legs. She gets good walks, and little bursts of running on an 8m lead but it's just not enough. Tbh I feel terrible about it. Advice would be very welcome if anyone has any