the current base would have to be leased
We'll I'd assume that Scotland will remain a NATO member, and with that in mind it wouldn't be that odd for them to have a submarine base on their territory that's manned in large part by personnel from a neighbouring NATO country.
It's kind of the norm for the smaller NATO countries to serve as hosts. If I am reading my internets correctly it's currently Poland's turn to patrol the skies over Iceland.
To return briefly to the Indyref debate...
I think Trident is a really interesting factor in Scottish Independence. There is literally no where that the Trident base can be located in England, Wales or Northern Ireland. I think water ways would have to be changed, huge bunkers and facilities built, and a lot of compulsory land/housing purchase orders made to house them anywhere but where they are. This would obviously cost 10 years and billions of £££s.
It then means that the current base would have to be leased from Scotland, either for the duration of the build or indefinitely. I think even hardcore Trident heads would have a hard time legitimising the subs as a defence of the UK if they were within another sovereign nation.
All the talk of renewing Trident at the moment seems to not focus at all on how much it could actually cost if a referendum swings by a few percent.
Anyway, fuck trident etc. CND 4 Life.