• Always thought the 15mm layback Superleggeros looked great but the inline and 25mm versions looked kinda weird. I'd go Deda if the geo / fit allows you run 15mm, otherwise maybe look into other options.

    For stems, the other popular choice on these builds is Extralight, which are great but $$.

  • I can get away with 15mm layback but it seems the 2022 superleggero is only zero or 25%. Love Extralite stuff but the seatpost only comes in 31.6. Maybe I'll go with the Tune then.

  • Wheels are awesome!

    Do the stem and seatpost have to be the same brand?
    WR Compositi WRC seatposts are suitably fancy pants and very pretty... another option could be a Colnago one. Little Italian flag would match the older Deda stem design.

    Re. bottle cages, I bought these Ali Express Carbonworks knock-offs, and they seem decent enough.
