• #902
I don't know if it does, it's just a link. Will DM now, you can always ask again. :-)
• #903
Yup. I think they’re just wotsits without the orange dust. Or at least made from corn starch.
• #904
You can also compost them
• #905
Makes sense. I never tried. Will do so now. Always put them in the green garden bin for the council (making sure they’re not the polystyrene ones)
• #906
I just pour water on them... 😬
• #907
Received my free tree in the post from Bloom Post yesterday. Link below if you want to apply for one. I don't see any catch other than you are giving your email out to subscribe, but can un-subscribe once you have your tree.
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• #908
Thanks for that. Done!
• #909
These three aren't doing well. All have brown discoloration on their leaves. The succulent is particularly unwell.
They live by an open kitchen window. Maybe it's getting too cold for them?
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• #910
Any reason some of these leaves are discolouring and look as if they are dying?
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• #911
Could be many reason, it’s by the window so my guess is draft...
• #912
Check for bugs?
• #913
Can anyone offer any advice on what we are doing wrong here.
Moved to a lighter room, re-potted etc. It seems to grow new leaves, but they stay fairly small and then turn yellow.
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• #914
My guess is it wants a bigger pot. I’d remove the yellow leaves. Give it a feed and maybe some gritty soil. The leaves that are healthy look really heathy
• #915
Is it in direct sunlight? My one of these is so so picky about positioning, it looked like this until I moved it somewhat with indirect light.
• #916
Can’t help with your predicament, but what plant is this pls? Love those leaves.
• #917
Maranta leuconeura (prayer plant). I had one and it died a similar death to that pictured when my mate overwatered it so I'd wonder about that...
• #918
Taro has gone nuts this year
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• #919
We got this Corn plant because it is, according to the place we got it from, ‘almost unkillable’. We followed advice to water sparingly according to how damp the soil is, but noticed two of the four branches had become limp and leaf tips were blackened. I splinted those but they were only getting blacker and just as limp so I cut them off.
Now the other two branches, while not limp, have wilted leaves that have blackened tips.
Is it done for?
The bottom plant seems unaffected for now.
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• #920
It’s looks really healthy. Is it near non direct sun light? Don’t forget it’s winter so some plants won’t be in there peak condition. Also heating of a house going from hot to warm to cold probably doesn’t help.
My avacado plants look awesome at the moment. But once the temperature starts going up and there’s more light they will look healthier. 🤞🏼
• #921
Big day in my house. My wax agave (who has kept me company in my office for the last two years) has finally shown signs of flowering. Any tips on making sure it doesn't change its mind?
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• #922
Don't change anything (placement, room temp, etc.) and let it do it's thing 🙂
• #923
My Aloe Vera is getting a bit too big..
It looks to me, (rank amateur) that it would split nicely into two plants.
Is it as easy as that?
1 Attachment
• #924
Yep, it’s very easy to split, obvs try to avoid damaging roots too much. They only get bigger and bigger though. I’ve had to actually get rid of some this year because I just didn’t have enough space!
• #925
Is it near a radiator? I have one on a window sill above one and having to move it as it's started turning weird since we have them on every so often
For those who remember my previous post we managed to successfully move the big cactus without any damage thanks to super nice and professional movers (Green Man & Van):
Now trying to find it a new proper pot for 40cm+ diameter, any suggestions welcome