it's in the trailer. pretty sure that falls outside of the safety zone for spoilz.
point being - it looks like they've watered down the language a bit to make it a snootch more palatable for a septic audience. chat about "Jihad's" will probably get the the trumpazoids all triggered up - which is a shame, because a theme of the book is how all ancient religions have been subsumed into one, unified religion-soup that gets hinted at via the language used throughout the book. Bits of arabic / hebrew / zen-sunni / the orange catholic bible etc.
hey ho, i'm sure a chat was had and the wrong people won.
I would have read that, from a cunts point of view, as that they're censoring everything now, even mentions of jihad in literature to appease the muslamic overlords.
it's in the trailer. pretty sure that falls outside of the safety zone for spoilz.
point being - it looks like they've watered down the language a bit to make it a snootch more palatable for a septic audience. chat about "Jihad's" will probably get the the trumpazoids all triggered up - which is a shame, because a theme of the book is how all ancient religions have been subsumed into one, unified religion-soup that gets hinted at via the language used throughout the book. Bits of arabic / hebrew / zen-sunni / the orange catholic bible etc.
hey ho, i'm sure a chat was had and the wrong people won.