It was good. This paragraph was the sickest burn on LFGSS posters:
The best educated people think they are rational and not susceptible to illusions and
stories while the public are irrational and therefore should be corraled by the priests of
the ‘cathedral’ (i.e Harvard, Oxbridge, NYT, Guardian), but the truth is that the best
educated are more susceptible to illusions and stories than the general uneducated public.
(E.g look at how elite graduates fell for Stalinist propaganda in the 1930s, and how elite
graduates were the suckers for conspiracy theories on Brexit/Trump/Russia/Facebook.
Nobody is easier for a propaganidist to fool than an elite graduate confident in their own
moral superiority, because if you get your mesage right they do most of the work for you.)
It was good. This paragraph was the sickest burn on LFGSS posters: