Wow I should've looked a bit more closely at all the options Surly had smh. I guess the Bridge Club fork is exactly what I'm looking for? Disc only, has 3 pack mounts, big tyre clearance, and 420mm A2C.
It'll steepen up the handling a bit but that's good since I'm running drops. There's also the handy side-effect of steepening the seat tube angle, which is nice because I run my saddle quite far forward.@Slappingpythagoras glad to hear they ride quite well, the price and specs line up very well with what I'm after.
@hippy classic 2000s paint, I can't hate it honestly
@el_presidente love the gold stem, I'm quite tempted to throw something shiny into the sea of red/black/white :D
Surly also has lots of options in the 420-450 range. seems the way to go