• What you've got there is the fang of a pigmy sabretooth tiger, popular garden pets and known to escape and go on the the hunt for seal ants.

  • Can you tell whether it is from the Northern or Southern Pigmy Sabretooth Tiger sub-species? I'm geussing Northern as I thought they had a penchant for Gravelkings but I'm no expert.

  • You'd be correct, if it wasn't for that subtle darker colouration towards the bottom of the tooth, I'd age it at around 213yrs old (a bit long in the tooth you might say!) and Southern, looks to have been slightly malnourished in these tougher climes this year, with all the stock issues not much rubber is finding its way into the countryside.

  • I'm geussing Northern as I thought they had a penchant for Gravelkings but I'm no expert.

    Gravykings. Special edition (brown) for northerners.
