Brilliant thank you. It’s the 3.0 six. It does have some failed pixels on the dash and the radio, still legible for now but I’ll get it looked at.
I’m in Northampton, there’s 2 BMW specialists and I’ve already had unsatisfactory service from both on my 15yo 1-series. I’m happy going to the main dealer, the professionalism there is worth the (not massive) premium.
Brilliant thank you. It’s the 3.0 six. It does have some failed pixels on the dash and the radio, still legible for now but I’ll get it looked at.
I’m in Northampton, there’s 2 BMW specialists and I’ve already had unsatisfactory service from both on my 15yo 1-series. I’m happy going to the main dealer, the professionalism there is worth the (not massive) premium.