Just re-read that and it sounds a bit insulting. Why would you have a shit singer? Wasn't meant to be. Soz.
Lozzles, don't be a Silly Billy, Al... Tony was the singer and his voice was the one thing that used to put people off the band, which was a bit of a tragedy because he's a fantastic songwriter... He's a great singer but has a very thin, reedy voice which seemed to rub people up the wrong way... Here's their track from the Sympathy Toerag comp, I'd left by this point ..
Just re-read that and it sounds a bit insulting. Why would you have a shit singer? Wasn't meant to be. Soz.
I guess it's just that great singers are so fucken rare. So many time a friend or acquaintance has linked me to a thing they've done and i've been thinking "THIS IS AMAZING - WHY ISN'T THIS A HUGE DEAL?!" and then the singer starts and it's like "oh, that's why".
I include myself in this btw. Very much.