To me it's more like if I'm on the hoods and the front of the bike is bouncing hard because should've buyed a MTB I need to hold hard onto it. Going into the drops and I can relax a bit and let it go, absorb the bumps a bit better and use the full travel of the brakes with less effort.
TL;DR hoods tense, drops relaxed.
When riding on the hoods, you are "on" the bike, a lack of attention timed well and you go OTB.
When riding in the drops, you are "in" the bike, bracing yourself more securely and with no risk to go OTB because of loss of grip.
To me it's more like if I'm on the hoods and the front of the bike is bouncing hard because should've buyed a MTB I need to hold hard onto it. Going into the drops and I can relax a bit and let it go, absorb the bumps a bit better and use the full travel of the brakes with less effort.
TL;DR hoods tense, drops relaxed.