I’m not talking about taking away anyone’s choice.
You know, that argument really bugs me. Society has the moral and legal right to take away people’s choice when it comes to protecting everyone in society from foreseeable, irreparable, physical harm. It’s not even up for debate. But that discussion seems to be too nuanced for most people and they tend to lose the plot.
So our society agrees that we should allow adults who are compos mentis to have the freedom to choose whether or not they’re vaccinated. Fine, let them make their choice I say, but that doesn’t mean they get to be exempt from the consequences of their choice. The problem is that there is a majority of selfish cunts among those who don’t want the vaccine, who also don’t want to abide by any guidelines or restrictions on their activities. They don’t want to be vaccinated or wear masks, but they do want to socialise freely and meander around shops, they feel it’s their right to override other people’s wishes regarding their own personal space. They claim the right to choose for other people, which is so ironic you could cure global anemia with it but that is also too nuanced for those folks.
Our difficulty controlling this isn’t just because of the abysmal government response, it’s that we’ve been catering to these millions of dense fuckers who simply don’t want to change their lifestyle to save others from harm. Why do we bother? Various reasons, but it’s mainly down to basic politics: the government doesn’t have the political capital to enforce the rules, even if it had the political will. I personally suspect that BoJo knows that and has purposely avoided strict enforcement measures because it would showcase how weak his govt is, as soon as it becomes apparent that they can’t enforce the measures.
Also, there’s simply too many of the aforementioned idiots to just lock up until it all blows over.
you are talking about taking away peoples choice over something like 0.00*% increased risk to yourself. And you are trying to suggest I am selfish?