The “vaccine hesitancy” creeps in when people start making triangulations about their own personal risk balance, ignoring that vaccines aren’t about individual outcomes - they are about the population acting together to defeat a pathogen. About acting collectively to protect the weakest in society.
You're surprised after years of austerity, selling off council housing, hatred towards immigration and generally trampling over the unfortunate that people decide to take the "I'm alright, Jack" line?
My point, though, is that the vaccines are safer than Covid. I don’t think that’s remotely controversial except on the most lunatic of fringes.
The “vaccine hesitancy” creeps in when people start making triangulations about their own personal risk balance, ignoring that vaccines aren’t just about individual outcomes - they are about the population acting together to defeat a pathogen. About acting collectively to protect the weakest in society. My derision is for those who refuse to accept a degree of personal risk in order to defeat a common threat. It’s not that they’re poorly informed, it’s that they’re selfish.