From what I remember the issue was more how critical she'd been of other Labour MPs sending their children to private schools.
Thanks for clarifying. I agree she was a hypocrite to attack others for doing the same thing she was doing. I was mainly trying to point out how silly it is that the many recent years of austerity and defunding, with the decrease in performance that it brings, didn’t exactly prove her wrong about choosing to take her son out of state education. I now get that the main complaint was her plain and simple hipocrisy on the issue.
‘What a fucken hypocrite that Labour MP is, sending her child to a fee-paying school instead of the state schools my party has worked so hard to cripple with chronic underfunding. How dare she spend a significant portion of her own money to improve her son’s education when she could keep him in her own constituency’s hobbled school system that we haven’t allowed her or anyone to improve for years.’
-MP from guess which party