So in the meantime I've acquired - what I thought would be - a very very very nice donor frame. I thought I would sell it on. But it's so nice. It fits me really well too. So now I'm conflicted. MGOOF this, MGOOF that, keep both retro. It could do with a light cleaning sesh though.
Oh man, that's an amazing find, lovely! I'm also keeping an eye out on RIH frames/bikes, but they usually get sold in less than 5 mintues after the listing appears on Marktplaats...
So in the meantime I've acquired - what I thought would be - a very very very nice donor frame. I thought I would sell it on. But it's so nice. It fits me really well too. So now I'm conflicted. MGOOF this, MGOOF that, keep both retro. It could do with a light cleaning sesh though.
(still fucking about with my friends' camera)