Yeah, I'd have happily rehomed the weirdest possible looking rescue woofer but having a 4 year old running about the place a cute fluffy puppy was the order of the day, my wife tells me it works out cheap if you look at it on a cost per year basis...
She's getting noticeably bigger by the week - could end up anywhere between hench guinea pig & Shetland pony. Probably more the former mind.
Had linked to google photos - sometimes they don't appear for some reason, have added bonus content for the inconvenience
She'll be making her maiden voyage into the great outdoors this weekend - one thing I previously didn't know about puppies was limiting the amount of walking they do to minimise stress on their hips, apparently 10-15 mins per day from 2 months, adding on 5 mins for every extra month old they are. Don't know if this is universal for all breeds or just what some breeders recommend - anyone else been advised of this?