Something about big miles in the summer, I mean I probably made it up in my head as I can't seem to quote it :)
I know it's pretty close and I'm assuming they will pin it from what I've seen of the x-ray it looks like the logical way to fix it but I'm not a doctor or even close to being medical. We've planned it for 03/07/21 so it really depends on the above and it's fully booked for 2 people so I have no idea what I'll do if he's out. It's pretty niche to get someone to cycle this at this short notice if Phil is out.
Wait, what about? :)
4 weeks is quite a short recovery time for a collarbone, too short if it's not been surgically pinned I'd say. As always it depends on how bad the fracture is and the amount of pain it's causing.
When were you going to leave? Early July I'm away for a wedding. Would be fun but I don't think I can offer my 'lorry-like' drafting features for your LEJOG.