His hair isn’t naturally like that you know. He frazzles it for the public.
The tie says a lot. He’s either:
aware and cba (low conscientiousness); aware and did it on purpose for the wedding ceremony (subversive tendencies); aware and did it on purpose for the public pics (maquiavelian); unaware and too nervous to remember to check (low stress tolerance); unaware and didn’t know to check (incompetent); unaware and his team didn’t check for him (bad at choosing talent); unaware and his team were afraid or embarrassed to tell him (incompetent leader).Or he’s just a harmless, lovable goofball who’s head over heels in love!
What about the length of his sleeves? That suit is fucking offensive, one of the basic things a Prime Minister should be able to do is wear our traditional dress competently.
If I were Carrie (apart from putting a mix of fart powder and laxatives in his tea every morning) I’d be worry he doesn’t take the institution of marriage seriously.
Nice to see he spent a bit of time on his hair and tie for their special day.